Lena is 17, raised by a single mother since her early childhood. She is new to her school, which she hates as much as she hates being at home. She tends to get into trouble. A desperate, unhappy teenager, she does not have a single friend, and to boot, the headmaster makes her study with bird maniac Oscar, which does not help her integrate. When things can hardly become worse, a handsome maverick steps in and falls for Lena. They start dating, but Lena is still troubled by ominous feelings, struggling with nightmares, running a feeling of being incapable of coming up from underwater. She feels secure with Oscar only. How come? This new friendship makes Lena realise she herself may not be the problem, after all.
A Bird’s Eye View focuses on domestic violence. It is difficult to step out of the shade of toxic parenting. Trans-generational patterns are mainly concealed, repeated, and devastating. Realising that it is abusive is the first step towards breaking the chain.
Fotókat készítette Éder Vera
„Kleist ezt tulajdonképpen rólam írta. Nagyon – nagyon komplexek a viszonyok. Nagyon várom!” Bíró Panna Dominika – Natalie hercegnő
„Nagyon rejtélyes ez a darab” Kertész Péter – Kottowitz ezredes
„Nem erre számítottam, kicsit többet nevettünk, mint amit vártam. Sírhatnékom is volt egyszer.” Sipos György – Hohenzollern gróf
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